In the November LawNow Magazine, Lana Wells and Alina Turner discuss the relationship between alcohol and domestic violence and think that there are too many liquor outlets in Alberta. The article suggests that municipalities in Alberta could take a stronger stance by introducing a moratorium on new licenses in communities with higher liquor outlet density. In areas that already have a high concentration of liquor stores, municipalities could consider relocation and consolidation as a means of addressing density retroactively. Municipalities could also strengthen zoning regulations to address density by using a combination of population- and geographic-based formulas to restrict the number and location of alcohol outlet licenses. The authors note that the availability of alcohol alone does not cause violent behaviour; however, when combined with pre-existing gender expectations which render violence and drinking as acceptable male behaviours, it can be a contributing factor.
To review the article in the LawNow Magazine, please go to the LawNow Magazine.
For more information, please read the Role of Alcohol Outlet Density in Reducing Domestic Violence in Alberta.