
Engaging parents & caregivers to support healthy youth relationships

What is the ConnectED Parents Project?

At Shift, we believe that all youth should experience healthy relationships because it is a key prevention strategy for domestic violence. That’s why we developed ConnectED Parents – a game-changing approach that empowers parents and caregivers of adolescents aged 10 to 20 to support healthy youth relationships and prevent adolescent dating violence.

ConnectED Parents involves:

  • Using text messages to build parents’ skills to support healthy youth relationships,
  • Building the capacity of parent leaders to offer peer support, and
  • Working with community leaders in the places where parents naturally go to build healthy environments in these settings.

By making it easy and quick for parents to learn about supporting healthy youth relationships, and leveraging the power of community and parent leaders in the places where parents already go, ConnectED Parents builds the knowledge, skills, relationships, and environments that support parents to teach their teens about healthy dating relationships.

And between 2022 to 2025, we’ll be partnering with community based organizations, researchers, policymakers, and anti-violence advocates to test, evaluate, and scale-up our approach.

Click here to learn more about the ConnectED Parents approach and frequently asked questions. 

What’s new?

Exciting News: Shift Launches ConnectED Parents Text!

Shift is thrilled to announce the launch of ConnectED Parents Text and we’re looking for parents with children 6 to 20 years old to join! ConnectED Parents Text empowers parents and caregivers to foster healthy youth relationships and prevent adolescent dating violence using an innovative text-messaging approach.

Who Should Join ConnectED Parents?

We invite parents and caregivers with children aged 6 to 20 living in Canada to be part of this project. If you’re a busy parent looking for a quick and easy way to boost your skills in fostering healthy relationships, we welcome you!

Registration Details:

Registration is OPEN until March 22, 2024! Check out our poster, and sign-up using the QR code or click on the registration link here: https://survey.ucalgary.ca/jfe/form/SV_3O9WUCt9f2XSuR8 


For details about the ConnectED Parents approach, visit here.

About the ConnectED Parents Approach & FAQs

Project Collaborators 

Resources to Promote Healthy Youth Relationships


Contact Lianne Lee
Project Manager, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence
Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary | MT 530 B
2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4
T: 403.220.7755 | E: LiLee@ucalgary.ca