Shift Continues to Scale up the Alberta Healthy Youth Relationships Strategy

As part of the Alberta Healthy Youth Relationships Strategy, Shift is focused on supporting pre-service teacher training and education.

The Alberta Healthy Youth Relationships Strategy’s Impact Surpasses Shift’s Original Goal

Our goal with the Alberta Healthy Youth Relationships (AHYR) Strategy launched in 2012 was to support 50,000 youths to build their capacity to prevent violence.

Shift Partners Up with the Werklund School of Education in Enhancing the Students

In spring semester 2017, Lianne Lee from Shift and Darren Lund from the Werklund School of Education offered a three-part series to both Faculty of Social Work and Werklund School of Education students.

Raising Awareness About Alberta Healthy Youth Relationships Strategy Through a Conference in San Francisco

Shift’s team members, Dr. Deinera Exner-Cortens and Lianne Lee presented the Alberta Healthy Youth Relationships Strategy at the Society for Prevention Research conference in San Francisco, CA. The topic of
