Lana Wells delivers the Canadian Domestic Violence Conference keynote and participates on international expert panels in Nova Scotia

It’s been an exciting week for Shift’s Director, Lana Wells, who delivered the opening keynote presentation for the sixth annual Canadian Domestic Violence Conference (CDVC6) held in Halifax on March

AB Government and CFL use Shift’s research to create awareness about domestic violence ahead of Grey-Cup weekend

In a joint statement, the Government of Alberta and CFL encouraged football teams and fans to raise awareness about domestic violence, and with it came a recognition of Shift’s research

Shift completes national study, Tomorrow’s Men Today: Canadian Men’s Insights on Engaging Men and Boys in Creating a More Gender Equal Future

Shift’s director, Lana Wells, and Dr. Sarah Fotheringham co-led the national study and conducted interviews with 33 pro-feminist men across Canada to examine the challenges they face in their gender

Elena Esina delivers keynote address to graduates of the Natural Supporter Domestic Violence Training Program

On November 9, 2019, Elena was invited to address the first graduates of the North of McKnight Community Society’s training program for natural supporters to address and prevent domestic violence

New project with Next Gen Men will build a national network of male advocates for gender equality

Lana Wells and Next Gen Men will collaborate to build a national network for pro-feminist male leaders working toward gender equality and stopping violence against women. The network will help

New article highlights the success of award-winning certificate program

In 2019, Dr. Lynn Corcoran, Dr, Deinera Exner-Cortens and Lana Wells published a paper that describes the design and implementation of the Advancing Healthy and Socially Just Schools and Communities
